Trading in Your Books!



Book Condition

Please make sure all books you bring in are clean & in very good / like new condition.

Books We Take

  • Current bestsellers or classics

  • Hardcover fiction from the past two years

  • Nonfiction from the past two years (includes cookbooks, travel guides, etc.)

Books We Won’t Take

  • Books in bad condition (annotated, ripped, stained, bent, stickered, unpleasantly scented, etc.)

  • Books we already have a used copy of on our shelves

  • Magazines/Digests

  • Textbooks/Test Prep books

  • Finance/Business books

  • Library books

  • Advanced Reader Copies or books without barcodes

  • SparkNotes/Summaries

Number of Books

We ask that you only bring one bag or box of books at a time.

Using Store Credit

Store Credit CANNOT be applied to new books or merchandise and it CANNOT be redeemed for cash.

Amount of credit is determined by age and condition of the books. Once we are finished, the credit will be applied to your account and any remaining books that we don’t take will be given back to you.

You can use store credit on USED books and USED puzzles. Store credit takes 50% off used books and puzzles. Please note that store credit will not cover the entire purchase, regardless of how much credit you have accumulated.

For example, if you find a $10 used book, store credit will cover $5 of that, and you pay the remaining $5.

Make sure to give us your name at checkout and the credit will automatically apply.